PXL-Music is the unique Bachelor program in pop and rock music in Hasselt. This three-year education is built around a parcours for musicians, music managers and music technicians. All lecturers come from the field and have their own specialization, causing the offered knowledge to be strongly connected to the real working experience and PXL-Music alumni go through to the musical and artistic sectors for further professionalization.
PXL-Music works strongly internationally and is constantly searching for qualitative opportunities for exchanging knowledge, skills and research projects in an European and a global context
The program wants to fully share its knowledge of music, sound and education with partners and therefore has started the Expertisecell PXL-Music Research to investigate the big questions from the artistic experiences from the music sector. PXL-Music Research offers its expertise for the design and application of innovative solutions for artistic, business-related and technical challenges and questions that combine these three challenges.
The three domains where PXL-Music Research is working on are Data science for the musical industry, Immersive Music and Musical Education (STrOOM).
Inspired by Dr. Katrien Kolenberg’s work (KU Leuven & UAntwerpen) in asteroseismology, the STrOOM-team of PXL-Music developed a teaching package allowing children from primary and secondary education to create their own stars and to sonify them with the use of a computer.